Rosslyn Chapel 2020
This image in full resolution
w 20,000 – h 5254 @ 300ppi
A quick review indicates a full size print of around 66 x 17 inch
If you choose to print this, drop me personal thanks is all i ask in return.
Click the image to open in Full HD (or right click it, save image as)

Hi, Admiring your work and live this view of Roslin and hope to print off.
Am wondering if you would be able to do one over Rosslyn Bowling Club 108 MAIN Street as it would go nicely on a space.
Many thanks
Hi Jim
I have just taken a look, and should be able to get one, there are a few considerations though for take off – 50m away from anyone or buildings etc, so the development at the back has scope, when im passing through next ill see what i can do ! – PS, whens the best time of day to capture it ?
Also those images the HD ones, can print out quite large, if you do get one done, it would be good to see it mounted somwhere 🙂
All the best jim!